Nowhere to turn: American Indian victims of sex trafficking

Saturday, October 10, 2009: 11:25 AM-12:45 PM
Grand Couteau (Sheraton New Orleans Hotel)
Alexandra (Sandi) Pierce, Ph.D., Metropolitan State University

Suzanne Koepplinger, M.A., in, Leadership, Augsburg, College, B.A., in, Theater, Arts, University, of, Idaho, Minnesota Indian Women's Resource Center

Presentation Format:
Innovative/Promising Practice Program Report

The Minnesota Indian Women’s Resource Center has two harm reduction programs for substance-using American Indian adolescent girls and women, and a third program that supports healing for survivors of sexual assault and sexual abuse. In the past year, a significant proportion of incoming clients have reported they were trafficked into prostitution, particularly adolescent girls. MIWRC has responded by developing culturally appropriate programming, safety and healing support for these victims of commercial sexual exploitation.