Digital storytelling as a method of provider education about violence against asian-Pacific islander women

Friday, October 9, 2009: 10:40 AM-12:00 PM
Edgewood A/B (Sheraton New Orleans Hotel)
Orchid Pusey, BA, Asian Women's Shelter

Stefani Sese, n/a, Center for Digital Storytelling

Presentation Format:
Innovative/Promising Practice Program Report

For the past three years, Asian Women’s Shelter (AWS) and Silence Speaks digital storytelling have built a partnership for leading multi-lingual workshops with AWS staff, volunteers, language advocates, and former clients. This session will explore the theory and practice of digital storytelling as a form of narrative medicine, as it has been adapted to a sensitive, multilingual context. Stories from AWS workshops will be screened, and an overview of how AWS uses them as provider teaching tools will be offered.